Startup Software Development

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Software Development

Start fast, scale easily, rise strong.
Take advantage of APEX software development expertise to start your business, test the waters, or prepare to pitch

Product Strategy for Startups

A countless of obstacles face founders on the road from idea to successful execution. APEX can help your startup foresee and deftly navigate those road bumps by digging into the details of your idea, cross-examining potential pitfalls, creating a prototype, and preparing the product for development.

A tech partner for startups and startup accelerators

We’re a software development company that helps businesses across the globe bring their products to life. Whether you’re a startup founder or a startup accelerator consultant looking for a trusted technical partner, we’re here for you.

  • Growth & tech consulting

    We advise companies on the best ways of scaling their technology and their businesses.

  • Innovation roadmap setup

    We create agile development roadmaps to enable companies to innovate faster.

  • Product design

    We build your product’s new features while you keep focus on your growth strategy and operations.

  • Development

    We implement lean startup approach and agile frameworks to power corporate innovations.

We Know how to Innovate

We provide our clients with world-class product development services in all shapes and sizes.


Full Stack Development

APEX project teams have gathered senior and middle developers who successfully deliver solutions of any complexity that requires the outstanding knowledge of front-end, back-end, mobile technologies, as well as an expertise in the domains of cloud enablement, big data, and artificial Intelligence.

Product Prototype

We can create a test version of your product in one of two ways. The first option is to create a clickable prototype. The second option is to prepare an MVP of an MVP, or a so-called Minimum Loveable Product that will demonstrate the core product functionality and design and can help you make a great pitch.

Build a startup MVP

If you need to validate your business idea fast, think of building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It takes us about 4 months to deliver an MVP. We use this time to research your business model and market, define a development roadmap, and build a solution. Our approach allows us to shorten the delivery cycle and win time for you.

Startup product development

We go through seven clear stages seven clear stages to bring your idea to life. We start with business modeling and requirements engineering to set up business goals. Then we proceed with the UX and UI design stages, resulting in backend and frontend development. Eventually, we take care of infrastructure management.

Startup rescue mission

If you need to rebuild or enhance your product, you can take advantage of our startup rescue services. We provide code audits with plans for improvements, add new functionality, or even completely rebuild your product if fixes aren’t enough. Clients often turn to us in search of a diligent software development partner after a previous vendor has failed.

Consulting and Dedicated TEAMS

We offer you to extend your in-house talent with our dedicated team of software engineers, architects, and project managers with experienced across hundreds of trending technologies.

We do it all in-house

We bring to the table a well-established product development process, a clear organizational structure, and carefully nurtured professionals.

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